



 Ph.D., University of Hertfordshire




英國赫特福德大學(University of Hertfordshire)教育學院舞蹈與動作心理治療博士2016

倫敦大學金史密斯學院(Goldsmiths College, University of London)舞蹈與動作心理治療碩士2011




2023                台灣舞蹈治療研究協會認證舞蹈治療師CDT200203162336

2018                中華民國教育部大專院校助理教授證書(助理字第147374號)

2015                 The BodyMind Approach, Facilitator Training

2011                英國舞蹈動作心理治療師執照(字號:RM 1973

2003                台北市中等學校教師證書(北市教中登字第920392號)

2003                中等學校教師證書(中字第九二0五九六九號)




2022-迄今        台灣舞蹈治療研究協會理事長

2021-迄今        台灣舞蹈治療研究協會學程委員

2024.8-迄今     中國文化大學科技藝術碩士學位學程專任副教授

2024.2-2024.7  中國文化大學師資培育中心專任助理教授

2018-2023        中國文化大學科技藝術碩士學位學程專任助理教授

2017-迄今        中國文化大學學生諮商中心主任

2022-2024        勵馨基金會蘭心家園兼任舞蹈治療師

2016-2017        台北基督書院英語系兼任講師(全英語授課)

2003-2007        台北市立景興國民中學專任教師


08/2024-              計畫名稱:身心症狀呈現出的生命歷程及文化意義:以具撫育經驗之台灣婦女為例

07/2024                計畫編號:113-2635-H-034-003-MY2    /經費來源:國科會(鼓勵女性從事科學及技術研究專案計畫)

09/2023-              計畫名稱:進擊吧!北海小英雄:提升北海岸社區韌性之大學社會責任實踐方案

08/2025               經費來源:教育部大學社會責任實踐計畫(協同主持人)

01/2020-              計畫名稱:首次當母親的產後憂鬱與其心理結構和動作特質研究

6/2021                 計畫編號:109-2410-H-034-001  /經費來源:科技部(一般研究計畫)


2023                  國科會補助國內專家學者出席國際會議(計畫編號:112-2914-I-034-006-A1

2019                  科技部補助國內專家學者出席國際會議(計畫編號:108-2914-I-034-016-A1

2017                  科技部人文社會研究中心博士後研究(後因至文大而未接受)

2016                  中央研究院民族學研究所博士培育計畫

2013-2014         蔣經國國際學術交流基金會留學歐洲地區博士論文獎學金

2009-2013         中華民國教育部公費留學獎學金舞蹈治療領域)

2007                   台北市教學卓越獎國中組優選      

2004                   台北市第五屆教育專業創新與行動研究優選


2024-迄今                                                                                             member of scientific committee     XXVIth Personal Construct Psychology Congress

2024-迄今     Associate editor                      Peer-reviewed Journal: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy

2022-迄今         理事長                                                                台灣舞蹈治療研究協會

2022-迄今     Executive board member       International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy    

2021-迄今         審稿人                                    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Current Traditional Medicine

2022              審查人                  科技部專題研究計畫

2021-2022     理事                                                                      台灣舞蹈治療研究協會



Lin, Y. (2016) Cultural-related depression in Taiwanese women and the application of the body mind

approach. PhD thesis, University of Hertfordshire. Unpublished.

Lin, Y.2011The process of merging and differentiation in the therapeutic relationship in Dance Movement

Psychotherapy with a client with schizophrenia. M.A. dissertation, Goldsmiths College, University of London. Unpublished.


Lin, Y. (2024). Personal Construct Therapy for All: A Humanistic Approach to Therapy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, (accepted). (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.00)

Lin, Y. (2023). Construing, Depression and Somatization in Mothers in Taiwan.  Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1-18. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.00)

Lin, Y., & Winter, D. (2022). Construing and depression in Taiwanese women. Journal of Constructivist Psychology35(4), 1196-1207. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.00)

Lin, Y., & Payne, H. (2021). Effectiveness of the BodyMind Approach® for women with depression and  medically unexplained symptoms in Taiwan. The Arts in Psychotherapy73, 101764. (SSCI, Impact Factor:1.847)

Lin, Y., & Payne, H. (2019). Movement speaks of culture: A study focusing on women with depression in Taiwan. The Arts in Psychotherapy64, 39-48. (SSCI, Impact Factor:1.847)

Lin, Y., & Payne, H. (2014). The BodyMind Approach™, medically unexplained symptoms and personal construct psychology. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy9(3), 154-166.


Cipolleta S., Lin, Y., Winter D. & Payne, H. (2016) Beyond mind and body: person in (inter)action. In: D. . Winter; P. Cummins, H. Procter, and N. Reed (eds.), Personal Construct Psychology at 60: Papers from the 21st International Congress. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.


Lin, Y. (2024, Sep 7-9). Enhancing Social and Emotional Learning through Autentic Movement: A Study with Dance Department Students in Taiwan [conference presentation]. 2024 9th SNSEC conference, social emotional learning for lifetime achievement, Chania, Greece.

Lin, Y. (2023, July 10-13). Construing of mothers with depression who do not perceive themselves as depressed [conference presentation]. 2023 XXVth International Congress on  Personal Construct Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.

Lin, Y. (2019, July 25-28). Exploring cultural meanings through examining the type of constructs of women with depression in Taiwan [conference presentation].  2019 XXIIIrd Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Cairns, Australia.

Lin, Y. (2018, October 5-7). The effectiveness of The BodyMind ApproachTM for women with depression and medically unexplained symptoms in Taiwan [conference presentation]. 2018 3rd European Association of Dance Movement Therapy conference, Athens, Greece.

Lin, Y. (2015, July 15-17). The mechanism of BodyMind Approach on Medically Unexplained Symptoms inthe light of Personal Construct Psychology [conference presentation]. 2015 XXIst International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Hatfield, UK.

Lin, Y. & Payne, H. (2015, July 15-17). The BodyMindApproach to working with people with persistent physical symptoms with no medical explanation (formerly termed psychosomatic conditions) [conference presentation]. 2015 XXIst International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Hatfield, UK.

Cipolletta, S. & Lin, Y.  (2015, July 15-17). Beyond mind and body: person in (inter)action [conference presentation]. 2015 XXIst International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Hatfield, UK.

Lin, Y. (2014, July, 13-19). Rigidity, Culture-Related Conflict and Depression [conference presentation]. 2014 XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.

